charts in the system for print templates do not meet my need. That’s why it’s charts. I want to use the js library. Can I call the library with CDN and create new graphics ? How Can I do that if possible ? How do I get more graphs if it’s not possible ?
There is an article explaining how to take advantage of the AmChart library here:
The guide mostly focusses on web outputs but I am sure you can also get this to work with unanimated charts in the Print output.
yeah, well, this is for example, I bought the funnel library as a CDN, json.what can I do for a graphic to arrive when type “funnel”
Hello Halilu,
The user interface in the Designer gives access to a subset of the features in the internal library. The charts in the print context can be fully customized. In the attached PDF below you will find background information on how to customize a chart object. Internally the library is already linked to the Print context so there is no need to link from a CDN.
Hope this is of some help,
This is awesome, thanks Erik for sharing.
Sneaky sneaky Erik. The template in the download link in that PDF was created with a version of Connect not released yet.
Which version are you running?
My bad, guess I used a dev version of 2018.2. Use the following link for the template and data created in 2018.1.
Apologies for not responding to your first question. My ISP likes to randomly block OL learn emails when they see fit. And since we are changing ISP’s for fiber I have not bothered. But yeah, I am using 2018.1.6. Thanks for the ‘updated’ file.