I am using Boxes frequently and I also know about the option “Show Edges”, but what I’d like to have is another option that always shows a the boxes frame as a thin line.
When adding a new Box and clicking somewhere else, the box is completely invisible. This is very confusing.
Alternatively, make the “Show Edges”-Option persistent with a global setting - currently (v1.1) this one is reset for every new Template.
There’s no way to turn these on in a persistent way, I’ll make a feature request for this as a preference in a future version of Connect. This definitely won’t make it in 1.2, but might possibly be available in 1.3 if the request is accepted.
A workaround would be adding the following CSS rule to one of your stylesheet files. It adds a red outline around your <div> elements. Note you would have to repeat that for every template you are working on:
Correct. The Designer sets View and Context Type specific classes to the <html> element. These classes can be used to apply formatting that is only visible for that context and/or when viewed in a specif mode.
The View classes are:
The Context classes are:
In your example the :not(.__ol__dontquery) prevents the style being applied to helper divs (like resize grippers) used by the application.