If I select make condition on a cell, I can’t see the detail table in the GUI interface.
I want to remove the entire row if a string is contained in a specific field, such a if Field4 contains “internal”
Also when all of the rows are removed then also remove the headers. For example the detail table has 3 detail records where Field4 all contain the string “internal” and are removed. We don’t want the header to be displayed either.
Removing a row based on a value is not possible via the condition wizard today but it is possible using a script.
Create a script that selects the rows in the tbody of your table:
Selector. #table tbody tr
Open the Options section at the bottom of the Edit Script dialog and change the scope to Each matched element. This exposes the “this” object for your script which provides access to the record used to generate this dynamic row.
The following script places the value of a field from the respective record in a variable and a basic if statement is used to check the value. When the result is true it will remove the row from the table.