I did some investigation today and i stumpled on the fact that I can use a PDF in Additional Content using type Image and change the path to the image file path manually in the .OL-outputpreset setting to the pdf version of my .png I previously selected.
I assume that it is not possible to use a PDF document as additional image because the PDF file type supports transparency and transparent images are not supported as additional image.
By the way, I also noticed that the error “Image type not supported or cannot be read” will be shown (in the top left corner of the Filename input field) after applying a path such as C:\Example\file.pdf to the Filename input field in the Additional Image dialog.
IMPORTANT: I would not recommend to manually change settings in the Output Creation Preset file via, for example, Notepad++ application because this can result in unexpected behaviour and you’re missing the validation which happen when creating a Output Creation Preset file via the Designer application.
Yeah for production use I would never do such a thing. Only as an R&D endeavour.
I wanted to note on a point you made:
When the setting is manually altered like I wrote, the output process just works!
You have to try it
After all it would be a nice feature to be able to add vector elements this way to an imposed sheet.
Somehow it makes sense that it is possible, because of the way PPC is able handle PDF-Files as HTML images (as img-src-tag).
So yeah, disclaimer: Please do not do this. You could mess up your job and it can go very wrong!