<a> link works intermittently


I have kind of a weird problem with some Designer templates. Some of my tags work and some don’t. When the pdf print output is emailed as an attachment, some links are clickable and some are not.

I tried copying and pasting an identical link that is in the first paragraph into the second paragraph but it doesn’t work in the second paragraph. I tested another template I created a week ago that was working and now some of the links in it are no longer working. Has anyone seen something like this before and know of a solution?


The link that are clickable in the PDF are so because the PDF viewer reckonize them as link.
Unless someone as another idea, I don’t think you can control this.

Both relative and absolute links (i.e. anchors using the <a> tag) should work consistently. Of course there could be a problem that we’re not aware of yet.

If a copied link won’t work but the original link does, try switching to the Source tab and compare the HTML for both links. Are there any differences between the two? Perhaps the copied link is only styled to look like a link but doesn’t actually use an <a> tag.

If the HTML looks valid can you please post a snippet, with any sensitive info redacted? Perhaps there is something unusual about the HTML structure that our code doesn’t take into account.

Forgot to ask, which version of Connect are you using?

Hi Sander,
Thanks for the reply. We are on version 2023.2.0.17816 • Professional.

When I create the links, I do them in the source tab and fill in the tags myself. On the template I have 2 identical links, one in the first

paragraph, and another in the second paragraph. I even copied the tag in the source tab from the first and pasted it into the second and it still doesn’t work in the second.

I tested it again this morning and now the links are working. I didn’t make any code changes. I had an error in Designer, so I closed and opened it but I didn’t send anything to Workflow. I’m going to attach yesterdays (not working – PHD-FR(7)) and todays (links working – PHD-FR(9)).

Here is a sample of the html, first link works, then second and third do not. All links on the second page work except for the very last one. Please let me know if you want me to upload a copy of the template as well:

Nº d'étudiant(e): {{StuId}}        

Bonjour {{[First Name]}},

C’est avec plaisir que nous examinerons votre demande d’admission à l’Université Laurentienne. Nous espérons que vous ferez partie de notre communauté vibrante tout en poursuivant vos objectifs d’études postsecondaires pour préparer votre avenir chez nous.

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Melissa Ouimette
Gestionnaire, Services de demande


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PHD-FR (7).pdf (715.6 KB)

PHD-FR (9).pdf (715.7 KB)

PhdFr-2023.OL-template (343.7 KB)

Here is just the part of the html code for the 3 links, first one works, second 2 dont work:

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@morgan thanks for the attachments.

I played around with the template and the HTML snippets (both printing directly and attaching to email), but unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue. In my case the links all work.

Looking at PHD-FR (7).pdf the issue is not that the links are not recognized by the PDF viewer, they are simply missing from the file.

Very odd that this fails intermittently. Unless someone else has an idea I suggest that you open a support ticket so that this can be investigated more thoroughly.

@Sander thanks for looking into this for me. I did open a support ticket yesterday and sent some info, waiting to hear back from support today. It’s very strange that it is intermittent.

Is there a way that you can tell that the links are missing from PHD-FR (7).pdf? The code has not changed so when that pdf was created it had the same tags. On the pdf the missing links are blue and underlined like a link, but they are not clickable .

@morgan I used the Link tool in Acrobat Pro.

The working links are registered as click targets, they have a black outline, while the non-working links have no outline. So it’s not that the click targets are there but not configured properly, and it’s not that the click targets are in the wrong place (although I suppose they could be way off the page… perhaps this is not conclusive proof).

@Sander interesting, thanks for the info. I don’t have a copy of acrobat pro so I didn’t know about that feature.

Have your Connect Server been restarted in between the working and non-working occurences of the links?

Also, when I preview your Print Section into a web page, the
<a href=“ma.laurentienne.ca”>maLaurentienne</a>
doesn’t act as a link. Maybe you should add the proper URL prefix in front of them like:
<a href=“https://ma.laurentienne.ca”>maLaurentienne</a>

That migth not be the cause of the issue but will most likely prevent new ones :wink:

Hmm, that’s a good question, I’m not sure if the Connect Server was restarted. Would stopping and starting the Workflow service in Service Console restart the server? This is something I can try if I have this issue again in the future.

Thanks for the suggestion of adding the URL prefix to my tags, I’m going to go and fix them all. It definitely can’t hurt and might save me some frustration in the future.


This issue often happens due to how Designer templates handle hyperlink formatting or export settings. Check if the problematic links have been formatted differently in the template or if there’s an inconsistency in how they’re embedded. Also, ensure your PDF generator preserves hyperlinks correctly. Updating Designer and recreating the template from scratch might help resolve these glitches.

Hope this helps!