2 different sized print context printed on one page


We have several forms as print contexts in the size of H 10cm x W 21cm. From these, we select one depending on the data, create a PDF, and send it as an attachment by email. That works fine.

However, now we want to print the same contexts on A4 cut sheets. Since we don’t have an email text, we have another print context (H 20cm x W 21cm) for the text. The end result should be an A4 cut sheet with the text at the top and the form at the bottom.

I have no idea how to compose this A4 page. I tried impositioning, but I don’t think that works with different contexts. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

thinking about it: Maybe I have to convert all affected contexts to snippets and the compose the snippets on different medias/contexts as needed?

Would you be able to share some sample data and template?

Creating a separate section and make use of snippets sounds like a good idea. Depending on the version you are using you could make us of Handlebars snippets and the “partial” helpers to insert the snippet.

Introduced in OL Connect 2023.2, Partial helpers let you import Handlebars snippet contents using an expression. The Partial helper syntax involves using the plus sign followed by the name of the snippet. The following loads the content of the snipped called ‘helloworld.hbs’ and places the content at that location.

{{+ helloworld.hbs}} or simply {{+ helloworld}}

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It works excellently - thank you very much!