Why is process Hsqldb 100%'ing my CPU

For the last hour a process called Hsqldb is 100%'ing my CPU. So much so the laptops fans are spinning at full speed nonstop. Any reasons? Can i kill the process without it interrupting workflow or designer. I’m not using SQL at all.



Actually, whether you want it or not, you ARE using SQL with Connect since the system requires its own backend database to store transient information. I am assuming you didn’t install MySQL when you installed the product, which means Connect defaults to using its own mini-DB called HSQLDB. It’s probably running the cleanup service (that removes unused records in the DB), which is why you see the CPU usage flare up. Dn’t worry, it should have returned to normal by now, unless you have a lot of traffic feeding the database… in which case, I’d recommend you re-install with MySQL.

Thanks for the info. Took a while to answer because after posting this designer stopped launching and only the splash screen would display and hang. Even after a reboot. Workflow could run still. I decided to do a system restore on my Win 10 laptop, it rebooted to finalise the restore and while doing so installed updates to Windows. After that I was stuck in a boot loop. Long story short… I had to reinstall Windows from scratch.

I reinstalled PP Connect and this time included the MySQL. Thanks again.

