ERROR: 12:35:40.096 [0013] W3001 : Error while executing plugin: External exception E06D7363
ERROR: 12:35:40.166 [0013] PDF Splitter: W1603 : Plugin failed - 12:35:40 (elapsed time: 00:00:02.872)
ERROR: 12:35:40.096 [0013] W3001 : Error while executing plugin: External exception E06D7363
ERROR: 12:35:40.166 [0013] PDF Splitter: W1603 : Plugin failed - 12:35:40 (elapsed time: 00:00:02.872)
We found the error as above. Anyone has ever encountered and anything need to check further ?
Quick search on the web propose multiple reason for that error but since you are getting from the PDF Splitter, the one I think apply is a file trying to be accessed while being blocked by another program.
You might want to ensure that your working folders are white listed in your antivirus.