Virtual Stationery - PDF page selector broken


I am trying to create a Duplex Media with a virtual stationery, I add a 2pp PDF however when selecting the page (in the new PDF page selector) it only shows 1 page (the 1st pae) in the PDF…



Hi Liam,

Please try to do the next steps in order to create a Duplex Media with virtual stationery.

  • Right click on the Media file and select Virtual Stationery as the picture below.
  • Then click on the folder icon and select the pdf file
  • Then click on the sheet icon and select the page that you want on the front of your document.
  • Do the same for the back page and select the page that you want on the back of your document.
  • Now you will have to right click onto the Section of the Print Context and select Sheet Configuration as the picture below…
  • And finally you must go to the Sheet Configuration and check ‘Duplex’ checkbox; this will let you print Duplex; if you have a back page then you need a back side implied with Duplex.

Best Regards,


Hi Juan

This is exactly what I am doing, however it is saying there is only 1 page in the PDF, when there is not, there are 2 pages…


Hi Lian,

Can you please tell me which version of Connect are you using?



Hi Juan

We are on version



Hi Liam,

I can see that you may have some spaces on your pdf file name, please make sure that you don`t have any spaces on your pdf file name.

Best Regards,


Hi Juan

This worked, surely that is a bug??

