Using Database Query as files to capture

I have a list of files in a database.

I have a workflow that I want to use to process each of these files.

I have used the Database Query action to return the list of files to be processed in CSV emulation format.

What Action should be used to iterate the list of files and call my process using the filepath?

Thanks for any help!

You’re returning a CSV, so you could use an Emulated Data splitter to work with the CSV data line by line.

Let’s say you have a 100 record CSV, this splitter would therefore loop 100 times, each time returning you a single line of the CSV. You could then capture filename value from the resulting split CSV using a “Set Job Infos and Variables” action, setting it into a variable. That variable would then be used in your Folder Capture mask to pick up exactly the file you’re after.

Worked like a charm - Being new to PP, I am just getting my head around how endemic the Folder Capture is to everything that happens (at least in my environment).

Your help is very much appreciated!