Trying to get the address lines more closely together

I have an address block script: @Address@
that has a suffix of
when appropriate:

var field, result = “”;

field = record.fields[“Opt Endorsement Line”];
if (field !== “”) result += field + “
field = record.fields[“Full Name”];
if (field !== “”) result += field + “
field = record.fields[“Company”];
if (field !== “”) result += field + “
field = record.fields[“Alternate 2 Address”];
if (field !== “”) result += field + “
field = record.fields[“Alternate 1 Address”];
if (field !== “”) result += field + “
field = record.fields[“Delivery Address”];
if (field !== “”) result += field + “
field = record.fields[“City”];
if (field !== “”) result += field + " ";
field = record.fields[“St”];
if (field !== “”) result += field + " ";
field = record.fields[“ZIPCODE”];
if (field !== “”) result += field;


It is in a table to that is bottom justified:


I presently don’t seem to be able to reduce the line-height under 100%
When previewing I can use a number above 100 percent and it will work but nothing under 100 percent seems to work.

Trying to get the address lines more closely together.

What does your HTML look like? Are you applying your CSS inline there, or with a stylesheet?

For my part, css line-height appears to work fine with both percent values and point values.

<div style="line-height: 80%;">

<div style="line-height: 8pt;">

Both of those examples are illegibily squished up, but the line height is being respected in both directions.

Found out the problem: a does not allow a line-height under 100%
Moved the line-height up a level to the and it works.
Sorry for the illegible info: