Transparent PDF In Designer

A while ago when I used PP7 I used to import PDF’s into the designer that had letter text. It was a lazy way to avoid setting up the letter text to client specifications. The letter text would be transparent and I would use this PDF over a background PDF. The trick back then was that while in designer the letter text PDF would not show as transparent but when using proof print the letter text would print transparent. (still annoyed that proof print now makes a watermark when it did not in PP7.)

Can anyone advise about transparency with PDF’s or must I convert to TIFF or PNG? (The latter however wont work because in my experience converting text PDF’s usually distorts text quality. Unless someone here can advise better conversion methods.)



Hello Sharne,

If memory serves me well, PlanetPress Design 7 does not support much PDF transparency, other than (I believe) selecting a background colour to be removed.

However, note that these forums are dedicated to PlanetPress Connect, not PP Suite 7. Please ask your question on the PlanetPress Design newsgroup, where you’ll have better luck getting an answer to this question.


Hi Evie,

I am using PPConnect, hence posting here :slight_smile: Over the years that I used PP7 I was able to use a PDF containing text and use said PDF over other static images which where PDF’s too. The transparency in the text PDF would work just fine.

So back to my question regarding Connect. What is the best way to use a PDF that contains a letter layout in Connect as a overlay on a background PDF while still keeping transparency and without loosing text quality. Because as my OP states, in my experience the text when converted to TIFF or PNG looses its quality.



Hi Evie,

I actually took the time to finally test my theories. Saving the PDF to Tiff or PNG distorts the text when printing. So that option is out. I then tried EPS and that looked terrible in the designer so I gave up on that too. I then thought why not try the PDF itself. In the designer the text looks terrible too just like the EPS file but the transparency was there. In PP7 I’m almost sure the PDF looked bad too but when printing the template the text is 100% legible. The same applies for Connect.

As you can see the transparent text in the designer looks terrible but the output looks fine. Can I ask if Objectiflune can address this for a update?



Actually this is quite normal - rendering high-quality PDFs in Designer would make it horribly slow. This is why we’re only producing a lower-quality output when previewing.