Translate document to Spanish based on 'State' data field

Hi - is it possible to be able to translate a whole document in letter form to Spanish based on a data field? I have a letter that goes out in English and Spanish. Currently it is set up in Planet Press 7. We want to convert this to Connect and do not know the best way to do it. I know I can change dates and such but I need whole document translated. Any suggestions?

Thank You!!

First of all, you cannot “convert” a form from PlanetPress Suite into a Template in Connect. They are 2 different soft wares. You have to re-create your form(Template) into Connect.

Now as far as translating, I am not sure I understand your request…

Do you want the actual text of the letter to be translated from one language to the other? If so, no. The only way is to write both letter, one in English, one in Spanish and conditionally show them.

Sorry, convert was the wrong word to use. I knew I had to re-create it and yes, that is exactly what I meant.

Thank You !!!

The following might be of interest and provides an alternative approach:

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Hi ahaddad! You can absolutely do translations in Connect, in fact it’s super easy to do so. We have a how-to on the subject that can help:

Additionally, you can look at to see how you can change dates, currencies and times show up in a specific language.

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