There was an error running the output creation process caused by ApplicationException

Good Morning

I am facing problem with Output Creation plugin and during processing reciving following errors:

"W3001 : Error while executing plugin: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error LoggedApplicationException: There was an error running the output creation process caused by ApplicationException: Font ‘ArialMT’ from file ‘C:\Users\ma006gl\Connect\filestore\merged.3158945956111160157.OL-im’ contains errors


Error occurs when processing on Windows 7. On Windows 10 everything is fine.

Also it works fine on the newest connect version. On older version error has been thrown.

Looks like a font issue, are there different versions of ArialMT installed on the different OS versions? Also check that you have included the fonts in the template resources and referenced them from the font options correctly.


I recently had exactly the same issue with PSM Connect 2019.1.
The resolution for my case was the following:

The customer had an PDF file as Background. When he tried to print his template, he got the same error, but for Helvetica Font.
The PDF File was just corrupt.
After gernerating the PDF File for the background again, everything worked as expected.
