Template error message: Name is Null

Hello - I have this template that I duplicated because I needed to make a few changes to the address header. Nothing else. The original template works fine and has been for a long time. There are several print pages. In the duplicated version I am getting an error message on two of the print pages. The error message reads - “Name is Null”. I verified it has good data. I am using the same data file that just ran through the original version with no errors.

Does anyone know why all of a sudden I am getting this error on two out of nine print pages on the duplicated copy only?

Thank You

The difference in behaviour between templates cannot be caused by the duplication itself. Therefore it must be caused by one of two things:

  • The changes you implemented in the duplicated template

  • Resources used by the original template that are not available to the duplicated template (because it runs on another machine, uses other credentials, etc.)

The changes I implemented are literally ONLY the location of the header address and mailing address. Those changes were made on the master pages.

As for the resources used. I am using the same machine and the same datamapper. Not sure what different resources it would be using.

I duplicated eight other templates for the exact same reason and had no issues with them. They all work fine - the original and the duplicated ones.

Try duplicating the original template again and then using the new duplicate without changing anything at all on it. This will hopefully help you eliminate the duplication as the root cause of the issue.

Once that’s done, make changes one by one, running the Template in between each change and see where that gets you.

ugh - not the answer I wanted to hear… lol

ok I will try that. I will let you know whether or not that works.

Thank you !!!

I just wanted to let you know that I duplicated the original template again, made the same modifications. I haven’t had any issues yet. I say yet because previously I had been working on the duplicated version for three days before I received the error.

So far so good this time.

Thank You