Telescoping Sort Plugin Not Showing In Plug-in bar


I used this plugin allot in PP7. I imported it into PP Connect workflow and it is not showing in the plug-in bar. I think it used to show in a ‘Uncategorised’ menu when clicking the arrows on the plug-in bar bottom left. When I try to import it again workflow tells me it is already installed. When I open a PP7 workflow, .PW7, I am able to see it in a old process but not able to add it to a Connect .OL-workflow config/process.

I’m assuming there is a compatibility issue here. I would really like to use it again.



Hi Sharne,

When you say that you can see the Telescoping plugin in a pw7 config, is it within the PP Connect workflow v.8 ? If so, that means that the plugin has been installed succesfully. You can try to ‘Reset to default’ the plugin bar and restart the application. This function is just below the ‘Import plugin’ menu. You should see the Telescoping plugin into the Uncategorized tab.


The reset did it. Thanks