Store Variable to Field


i have an excel file, and want to convert it into xml by using datamapper.
i setup an Extraction at the beginning and extract COLUMN1, COLUMN2,
then, i setup an Action to combine this 2 fields and split by “:”

var PO1 = record.fields.COLUMN1 + Record.fields.COLUMN2;
var arrPO1 = PO1.split(“:”);
var PONO = arrPO1[1].trim;

then i want to Extract PONO to a field, is it possible ? and how to ?

thanks in advance.

Simply do all that code in a new field that is Based on Javascript.

var PO1 = record.fields.COLUMN1 + Record.fields.COLUMN2;

Leaving the last line not assigned to any variable will do the trick as it will be assigned to that new field.