I am a newcomer to the PPress Connect world. Software has been installed two weeks ago.
I have experience in variable data work using other tools, but not in PPress Connect.
I have seen the tutorials and next week I will receive 40 hours of training.
All right!!
Trying to solve some real cases I have created different data mappers, data models and layouts and they work.
I am now in an “dead end”. Every day I receive a PDF file with “n” invoices, each one a single page, and I need to produce a PDF for each of them using the invoice number as a name.
I have created the datamapper to read the invoice number, but I do not know the correct way to continue for splitting and produce the output.
It sounds like you want your output to be individual PDFs, is that the case?
If each page of your incoming PDF is a single invoice, then you’ll treat each page as a record.
From there, you’ll go on to develop the Design template. This could use the incoming PDF as background, or be an entirely new document. Up to you.
From there, when you create your Output Preset, you’ll need to do two things. First, PDF output to a directory. Second you’ll have an option available to you called Separation. This allows you to create multiple output PDFs. More on that here: PlanetPress Connect 1.8 User Guide
Assuming you want it split on every document, you can very easily choose Document as your separation point, so every new document it creates will output to a new file.