Hello. I’m new to PlanetPress Connect, and am seeking to duplicate some of the functionality within PlanetPress 7 Presstalk within Connect. With Presstalk, one could use the code to analyze data, and specify a certain position within the Presstalk object to display text. Is this functionality present within Connect?
For example, I have a script that starts a repeat loop. It looks at the contents of field X. If the field contents match a particular value, it places an “X” in a certain position. It then moves the cursor 0.4 inches to the right, increments a counter integer by 1, looks at field X +1, and performs the same test. It stops when the counter reaches a certain threshold.
The number of possible positions are quite large for this approach. I’m not yet seeing (I hope I’m not missing something obvious) the ability to combine the analytical/decision making abilities of a programming language with the ability to precisely place output. If the number of possible positions approached several dozen, I’d hate to have to create several dozen objects, position each one, the create conditionals to show or hide output (when I could do the same thing with a few lines of code.
Thanks in advance!