I’ve got a job that sorts and groups into Document Sets with a Job Preset, based on a Data Mapped value. The Data Map for this job also adds “record.index” into a Field. The template has a banner page that only prints if the “record.index” equals one.
My banner page is ending up somewhere inside the output rather than on the first sheet, because of the sorting done by the Job Preset.
I see the problem, “record.index”, gets Data Mapped, and that mapping occurs BEFORE the job sorting.
Is there some other method for having a conditional banner page generated by the template?
Perhaps you could make your conditional statement in JavaScript within the template and then:-
Either write the conditional value to the Job Preset as a document metadata field to call the cover sheet in the Output Setting based on its Boolean value.
Have a section called “Cover” which is set to "disabled’ by a control script by default but is “enabled” when a condition is satisfied.
I have the conditional. The issue is that the print section, when enabled, is always considered as part of the “current” document. Regardless of the sortation issue above, that still complicates reporting, barcoding, etc.
What I really want is the ability to mark a print section as “banner” or “trailer” and have it always appear at the beginning or end of the job respectively, without affecting the number of Document Sets and Documents.
Have you though about doing commingling?
Different Template that produce the banner page and the rest of the job and you bring them back together after.
Yes, and I’m pursuing that. I’m hoping I can come up with a “universal” banner page template with the relevant job statistics and commingle every job.
Maybe if you banner page is based on value you get from a REST calls to the Connect database, then you would be able to have it for any and all jobs.
If you ever achieve this, please share your solution on the forum. I am sure it will be very usefull to other users…
Or you can do a You tube video on it and get money from related publicity!!!
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