Sending Emails using SMTP plugin


I am facing weird problem with emails sending. I am consuming PDF and would like to send this using Microsoft Outlook configuration

I can send emails using debug mode, but when would like to send emails using PP services, then no emails has been sents.

Is there specific configuration which needs to be performed?


This could be down to the differences in users permissions.

When running in debug mode, the workflow uses the permission and access of the Windows account that is currently logged into the system. In your case, that user probably has an MS Outlook profile on the system and as such can send emails.

However, when running in Service mode, the workflow uses the permissions and access of the PlanetPress Workflow service account. This account could be different to the current Windows account. By default, the Workflow uses the Local System account which doesn’t have a MS Outlook Profile.

So try configuring the Workflow services account with the current Windows user account which has a valid Outlook Profile on the system. To do this, click on the Tools tab > Configure Services

Please also note the following from the Help:

In some combinations of Microsoft Outlook and Windows versions, it is not possible for Outlook to be opened while PlanetPress Workflow is running, so emails are not sent out automatically. To correct this, make sure to log on to Windows on the PlanetPress Workflow server using the same login that PlanetPress Workflow is using, and open Outlook before starting the PlanetPress Workflow services. You could also use a startup process to start Outlook before the rest of the services.

User was configured correctly.

The problem was cause because I used inproper SMTP server name.