Sending e-mal via Designer doesn`t work

Hello everyone,

I am trying to send email context via Designer but it is not working entirely. I have entered all info about the mail server - I am using our domestic server not offered ones, and when I click send I get message that mails were sent successfully but no mails have been received yet and I do not get any feedback about mail delivery failure or something. I am wondering what might be the problem and is there anything else to do.

Best wishes to all

Hi @Ivan,

Please check the mailbox of the From email address. I’m asking you this because when for example the message “[…] This feature is running in demonstration mode. All emails will be send to the sender” will be shown in the Connect Designer a email message, send by the Connect Designer application, will be send to the From email address.

Yes I have checked and they are there :slight_smile: but how can I send to recipients from the designer? Is that possible?

Sending email from the Designer is limited to the sender. You will have to use a Workflow process to actually send email to recipient.