Is It a way for customers to run specific process manually?
Simple example. One process send pdfs to folder.
And how for example run single process (run only once) which archive all pdfs?
Is It a way for customers to run specific process manually?
Simple example. One process send pdfs to folder.
And how for example run single process (run only once) which archive all pdfs?
The Debug mode allows you to run a specific process manually
Open your Workflow Configuration
Click on the Debug tab in the menu tool bar
Click on “Select” to load a data file
Then highlight the first Input action or the action in your process you want to run the process from
Then either click on “Step from here” , then on “Step” to run the process step by step or click on “Run from here” to run the entire process manually.
More information is availbale below. Notice that you may click on View as text, View as PDF, View Metadata…etc or even set Breakpoint and also view the values of your variables and job infos at each step when debgugging step by step.
Hi mariuszwoch,
If you mean having a customer run a process of your Workflow over the net. The only ways I can think of, but have not attempted the first, is a process that monitors an email that triggers your process to run or if they trigger the process by putting a trigger file into a FTP folder that will cause the process to run.
Regarding “run only once”, you could schedule the process to only run on certain days, weeks, months etc.