I did some searching around OL web and did not find any information on Python3 support within Workflow. Python2 has a planned end-of-life scheduled for 01/01/2020 (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0373/), so I’ve been attempting to update all Py2 code to Py3 when possible. By chance, can anyone provide some insight?
My experience with Python is, sadly, pretty limited. However, I was able to install the latest version of Python (3.7) and register it for use in Workflow. I ran a very basic script and it worked fine, just as it did with Python 2.x.
To make sure that the Python 3 features are indeed implemented and available, I ran a basic test: floating point division. In Python 2.7, the result of (3/2) would be 1 (to get the proper result, you’d have had to write (3/2.0) ), whereas in Python 3, the result is 1.5, which is exactly what I got in Workflow. So it seems everything works as expected.
To install and register Python 3 for use with Workflow:
Download & install Python 3.7.2 32bits from Python.org
Edit your system path if the installation didn’t do it for you (go to Windows System Properties > Environment Variables > path):
add C:\Python37 (this is where I installed Python, adjust the path accordingly)
add C:\Python37\Scripts
Register Python by running C:\Python37\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\client\pyscript.py from the command line
That should do it.
For reference, the Python Script I used to test this out is just a basic piece of code that lists all the Groups in the Data Repository:
import win32com.client
import json
myRepo = win32com.client.Dispatch("RepositoryLib.WorkflowRepository")
myGroups = json.loads(myRepo.ListGroups())
for group in myGroups: