I am having the following error while trying to perform Proof Print on Connect Designer. The same template and datamapper are working fine at other workstation. Kindly assist.
IPC communication error (CC1000009)
JsonEOFException: Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Array (start marker at [Source: (com.objectiflune.core.ipc.internal.WebSocketIPCInput); line: 1, column: 9])
at [Source: (com.objectiflune.core.ipc.internal.WebSocketIPCInput); line: 1, column: 18].
com.objectiflune.core.base.ApplicationException: IPC communication error (CC1000009)
JsonEOFException: Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Array (start marker at [Source: (com.objectiflune.core.ipc.internal.WebSocketIPCInput); line: 1, column: 9])
at [Source: (com.objectiflune.core.ipc.internal.WebSocketIPCInput); line: 1, column: 18]
at com.objectiflune.scheduling.TaskScheduler.submitAndWait(TaskScheduler.java)
at com.objectiflune.scheduling.TaskScheduler.submitAndWait(TaskScheduler.java)
at com.objectiflune.contentcreation.mergeengine.remote.MergeEngineTaskScheduler.submitAndWait(MergeEngineTaskScheduler.java)
at com.objectiflune.contentcreation.mergeengine.remote.ContentCreationOperation.a(ContentCreationOperation.java)
at com.objectiflune.contentcreation.mergeengine.remote.ContentCreationOperation.access$0(ContentCreationOperation.java)
at com.objectiflune.contentcreation.mergeengine.remote.b.call(b.java)
at com.objectiflune.contentcreation.mergeengine.remote.b.call(b.java)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Hi Janice,
This type of error is sometimes related to the template itself and the “IPC communication error” is a bit misleading. Have you tried doing a Proof Print of other templates on that problem machine to see if they work? Also, have you tried just doing a Print out of the Designer? That uses a different engine to the Proof Print functionality. Finally what version of Connect are you running?
I created a new template and new datamapper, also facing the same error.
After that, i perform Print instead of Proof Print (using the same template and datamapper), and the below error shown:
LoggedApplicationException: There was an error running the content creation process caused by IPC communication error (CC1000009)
JsonEOFException: Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Array (start marker at [Source: (com.objectiflune.core.ipc.internal.WebSocketIPCInput); line: 1, column: 9])
at [Source: (com.objectiflune.core.ipc.internal.WebSocketIPCInput); line: 1, column: 18]
{“error”:{“status”:500,“message”:“LoggedApplicationException: There was an error running the content creation process caused by IPC communication error (CC1000009)\nJsonEOFException: Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Array (start marker at [Source: (com.objectiflune.core.ipc.internal.WebSocketIPCInput); line: 1, column: 9])\n at [Source: (com.objectiflune.core.ipc.internal.WebSocketIPCInput); line: 1, column: 18]\n”,“parameter”:“”}}
My connect version is 2019.2.0
The same template and datamapper is working fine in other workstation (which same version of Connect). FYI, I migrated to new workstation due to machine changed.
Shall I reinstall? But if i reinstall, will it impact my reseller license?
I would like to ask you kindly to open a technical support ticket via our ‘website (link)’ because then we can have a look at the logging of the Connect Server and the Connect Engines and–if possible–at the used Connect resources to find out what is causing this issue and how to solve it.