Problem with USPS IMPB

How does the data need to be formatted for the IMPB to work? I am currently getting the word “ERROR!” above the barcode and “CHECK DIGIT ERROR!” below the barcode.

Hello @khughes859,

Have you read the following?

Hello @jchamel,

I had read it but didn’t feel like scrolling through the “the Java4less Barcodes Guide” to find the answer. Would be nice if they just put the information in the help page for the barcode.

Do you know how to increase the barcode length? The bars seem to be closer together compared to the barcode that comes out of BCC.

There are already various documentation available on the web as to the content of each barcode. Adding our own is superfluous.

LOL when you are looking for help specific to the USPS IMPB. You shouldn’t have to search the web for the format of the data string. It should be part of the help guide included with the software.

Anyway, it appears that the documentation is going to get updated.