Prior to upgrade had no problem with numbers and decimals ( example 13.00 )

Hi - prior to the upgrade I had extracted my data mostly as string because for what I was doing it worked best for me. If I had to use the data in a chart, I would change the number to float. this worked perfect all the time for me. Since I upgraded I have noticed that the number I changed to float now drops the end 0 off. For example - 8.40 is now 8.4 or 13.00 is now 13 . I need to show that 0 at the end weather its one decimal or two. So, I need to show 8.40 or 13.00. Is there a way to do this in the extraction so I do not have to go through every one of my templates and look for this?

Thank you

When you say you “change” your string number to float…where and how are you proceding?

When I extract the data, it’s extracted as a type: ‘string’. Most of the time I leave any numbers I extract as string. If I need to use that data in a graph, in the data mapper I change it from string type to float type in the step properties. My leading zero’s or my ending zeros never dropped off. Now they do.

Just tried the behaviour that you report and it had the same one in version 1.8.

Can you send a test template with test data? I have both versions installed and would like to check. (I have not updated my production due to issues in 2018.1, so I would like to see if this is another.)



It’s worth noting that once you extract a value as a float, then the value you see in the data model really has nothing to do with what you’ll be displaying on your printed/web page. A value extracted as a float is actually stored as a float in the database and all you’re seeing in the data model view is a representation of that float. In other words 13.00, 13.0 and 13 are different representations of the exact same value. So it really doesn’t matter how it’s displayed in the data model.

However, once you drag that float value onto one of your templates, then you can define the format (i.e. the representation) that should be used to display the actual value

Thank you for the explanation. I understand what you are saying and it makes sense. I am just confused because when I ran the reports 3/31/2018 my output was 13.00%. I ran the same file the other day and my output on the same report with the same data and no changes to the fields was 13%. I can go in and define the format for that field/fields and it will display as 13.00% I just used .toFixed(2) and it works.

Unfortunately I can not reproduce it because I have upgraded and the templates are converted. I only have the report output from prior to upgrade. I have a lot of fields like this throughout my report. Is there a way to define the fields I need to it in the datamapper? I have five templates for this one report but use only one datamapper.

Thank You

Not quite sure I understand how you get different results.

You mention your fields are displayed as percentages, that means you modified your script in the template to include a % sign after the number. Could it be you made other changes to that script in the template?

I think you may want to open a case with our Support Team, as it’s a bit difficult to visualize what the actual issue is.