PlanetPress Connect Workflow error

I did test the PlanetPress Workflow using PlanetPress Connect Package file.

Previously, I got the output at the PlanetPress Connect Designer.

And then, I sent the Package file to the PlanetPress Connect Workflow.

I did setup the workflow the plugin such as “Folder Capture”, " Execute Data Mapping", Create Print Content", Create Output" and “Send to Folder”.

I did debug the step by step but the error was occurred.

So I would like to know why this error was occurred and get the solution.

In addition, It does not have enough to setup guide and techincal document, video clip and etc, to solve the workflow error.

If possible, Could you send me the sample workflow setup file and demo file?

Finally, How to upload the image(screen shot) and error log file at this site? I did not find the image upload directly. It just add the image url info.

************Error Message(PlanetPress Workflow) **************************************

Start 2015/02/11 14:11:59
PlanetPress Workflow v8.0.0.9363
Host: WIN-GGJM0KFKAB9; User: Administrator
Serial number: AU00D-510056-4922; Activation code: 0264-510056-1F24-841D-A5C5-859F
Service has started
Signaling Process “Internal Dynamic Process” to stop (2 of 2)…
Signaling Process “Process1” to stop (1 of 2)…
There are 0 replicated processes still running…
All Processes have terminated.
All helper services have stopped.
Service has stopped
2015/02/11 15:26:17
Start 2015/02/11 15:26:17
PlanetPress Workflow v8.0.0.9363
Host: WIN-GGJM0KFKAB9; User: Administrator
Serial number: AU00D-510056-4922; Activation code: 0264-510056-1F24-841D-A5C5-859F
Service has started
Signaling Process “Internal Dynamic Process” to stop (2 of 2)…
Signaling Process “Process1” to stop (1 of 2)…
There are 0 replicated processes still running…
All Processes have terminated.
All helper services have stopped.
Service has stopped
2015/02/11 15:33:51
Start 2015/02/11 15:33:51
PlanetPress Workflow v8.0.0.9363
Host: WIN-GGJM0KFKAB9; User: Administrator
Serial number: AU00D-510056-4922; Activation code: 0264-510056-1F24-841D-A5C5-859F
Service has started
Process1 (thread id: 9996) - 15:34:15
File captured : C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch\Spool\0.tmp\job00ZQQL0TDSUZ8152A303A10.dat, size: 415 bytes
Plugin Folder Capture completed successfully - 15:34:15 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:013)
Sending file data source…
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Execute Data Mapping: W1603 : Plugin failed - 15:34:15 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:013)
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: W3886 : Metadata file to append: “C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch\Spool\0.tmp\job00ZQQL0TDSUZ8152A303A10.dat.meta”, was not found
Create Print Content: W1603 : Plugin failed - 15:34:15 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:000)
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: W3886 : Metadata file to append: “%s”, was not found
Create Output: W1603 : Plugin failed - 15:34:15 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:018)
File sent : c:\out\test_20150211.csv, size: 415 bytes
Plugin Send To Folder completed successfully - 15:34:15 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:002)
Process1 (thread id: 9996) complete - 15:34:15 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:048)
Process1 (thread id: 9996) - 15:35:12
File captured : C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch\Spool\0.tmp\job00ZQQL12P3DPZ332A31160D.dat, size: 415 bytes
Plugin Folder Capture completed successfully - 15:35:12 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:008)
Sending file data source…
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Execute Data Mapping: W1603 : Plugin failed - 15:35:12 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:013)
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: W3886 : Metadata file to append: “C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch\Spool\0.tmp\job00ZQQL12P3DPZ332A31160D.dat.meta”, was not found
Create Print Content: W1603 : Plugin failed - 15:35:12 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:001)
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: W3886 : Metadata file to append: “%s”, was not found
Create Output: W1603 : Plugin failed - 15:35:12 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:002)
File sent : c:\out\test_20150211.csv, size: 415 bytes
Plugin Send To Folder completed successfully - 15:35:12 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:002)
Process1 (thread id: 9996) complete - 15:35:12 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:027)

1 Like


Each time you trigger a Connect plugin in the workflow, it needs to authorise with the Connect Server. Thats why you have the Username and Password input fields on each Connect Plugin on the OL Connect Proxy tab.

In order to set your username and password you open the Connect Server Configuration utility by going to Start –> All Programs –> Objectif Lune –> PlanetPress Connect –> and choose Connect Server configuration.

When this utility has started go to Server Security to either disable this feature or setup the credentials to your own preference.

the default settings are ‘ol-admin’ and password is ‘secret’ without the quotes.

When I’m doing a lot of different Connect tasks I like to create myself global variables containing the username and the password, that way I can use %{global.connect_user} and %{global.connect_password} in each task. I also like to copy/paste tasks from one process to another if I can and modify the other settings :wink:

I do the OL Connect Proxy tab(username and password). And the Execute Data Mapping are passed sucessfully. But the create Print Content step are still occurred the error. error message are as below:

Plugin Execute Data Mapping completed successfully - 09:27:18 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:947)

Starting plugin Create Print Content - 09:27:18
Server IP address: localhost
Parsed Server IP address: localhost
Server Port: 9340
Parsed Server Port: 9340
Username: ol-admin
Parsed username: ol-admin
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: W3886 : Metadata file to append: “C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch\Debug\debug2E069BA4.dat.meta”, was not found
Create Print Content: W1603 : Plugin failed - 09:27:18 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:001)

Starting plugin Create Output - 09:27:18
Server IP address: localhost
Parsed Server IP address: localhost
Server Port: 9340
Parsed Server Port: 9340
Username: ol-admin
Parsed username: ol-admin
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: W3886 : Metadata file to append: “%s”, was not found
Create Output: W1603 : Plugin failed - 09:27:18 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:003)

Starting plugin Send To Folder - 09:27:19
Path: c:\out
Parsed path: c:\out
Filename: %O.pdf
Parsed filename: test_20150211.pdf
Separator string: \014
Parsed separator string:
Append file to c:\out est_20150211.pdf
File sent : c:\out est_20150211.pdf, size: 6031 bytes
Plugin Send To Folder completed successfully - 09:27:19 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:002)

WPROC: Process1 (thread id: 9328) complete - 09:27:19 (elapsed time: 00:00:02:319)

I change the execute data Mapping Output type(output IDs in Metadata). and then Create Print Content are passed. but Create Output are still occurred the error as below.

W3001 : Error while executing plugin: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
Create Output: W1603 : Plugin failed - 09:34:39 (elapsed time: 00:00:03:421)

********** messages **************************************************************
Plugin Execute Data Mapping completed successfully - 09:34:34 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:759)

Starting plugin Create Print Content - 09:34:34
Server IP address: localhost
Parsed Server IP address: localhost
Server Port: 9340
Parsed Server Port: 9340
Username: ol-admin
Parsed username: ol-admin
Create the rest client
Using cached file (id = 1070).
Starting content creation operation…
[2015-02-12 09:34:34.259] Print content creation> Starting progress monitoring
[2015-02-12 09:34:34.259] Print content creation> Monitoring operation ID b6ec8396-ef1b-4cb1-a2d4-18595020724f
[2015-02-12 09:34:34.454] Print content creation> Job progress = 20%
[2015-02-12 09:34:34.564] Print content creation> Job progress = 30%
[2015-02-12 09:34:35.164] Print content creation> Job progress = 40%
[2015-02-12 09:34:35.274] Print content creation> Job progress = 60%
[2015-02-12 09:34:35.383] Print content creation> Job progress = 80%
[2015-02-12 09:34:35.493] Print content creation> Job progress = done
[2015-02-12 09:34:35.493] Print content creation> Operation b6ec8396-ef1b-4cb1-a2d4-18595020724f has completed
Content created from template and metadata
Metadata file saved
Plugin Create Print Content completed successfully - 09:34:35 (elapsed time: 00:00:01:710)

Starting plugin Create Output - 09:34:36
Server IP address: localhost
Parsed Server IP address: localhost
Server Port: 9340
Parsed Server Port: 9340
Username: ol-admin
Parsed username: ol-admin
Using cached config file (id = 1073).
Starting output creation operation…
[2015-02-12 09:34:36.273] Output creation> Starting progress monitoring
[2015-02-12 09:34:36.273] Output creation> Monitoring operation ID bd6ffb07-83ff-466c-8497-bbc842f9f981
[2015-02-12 09:34:38.249] Output creation> Job progress = done
[2015-02-12 09:34:38.249] Output creation> Operation bd6ffb07-83ff-466c-8497-bbc842f9f981 has completed
Failed with cached config, trying with upload.
Starting output creation operation…
[2015-02-12 09:34:38.965] Output creation> Starting progress monitoring
[2015-02-12 09:34:38.965] Output creation> Monitoring operation ID a27d1c70-8d66-4118-8919-22de6765eef7
[2015-02-12 09:34:39.669] Output creation> Job progress = done
[2015-02-12 09:34:39.669] Output creation> Operation a27d1c70-8d66-4118-8919-22de6765eef7 has completed
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
Create Output: W1603 : Plugin failed - 09:34:39 (elapsed time: 00:00:03:421)

Starting plugin Send To Folder - 09:34:39
Path: c:\out
Parsed path: c:\out
Filename: %O.pdf
Parsed filename: test_20150211.pdf
Separator string: \014
Parsed separator string:
Append file to c:\out est_20150211.pdf
File sent : c:\out est_20150211.pdf, size: 6863 bytes
Plugin Send To Folder completed successfully - 09:34:39 (elapsed time: 00:00:00:002)

WPROC: Process1 (thread id: 9248) complete - 09:34:40 (elapsed time: 00:00:07:029)