PDFJS display PDF inside Connect Web Pages view


I have simply dashboard which holds the records from SQL database.

I would like to render PDF preview on subpage but I am unable.

PDF preview is generated based on path to invoice on local resources.
For example I have folder C:/Review/Incoice123.pdf and this path is located inside database.

I am pulling out this information but i am unable to display this PDF preview.

Got following error:

dashboard:6840 GET http://localhost:8080/resources/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=c%3A\pbCCMData\PROJECT\REVIEW\Incoice123.pdf 404 (Not Found)

Is this possible to preview PDF from local folder using PDFJS?
Any ideas?

For example if I try to use IFRAME object to load some dummy PDF from path:

                        <object data="file:///./test/8013124A.pdf?#zoom=85&amp;scrollbar=0&amp;toolbar=0&amp;navpanes=0" width="400" type="application/pdf" height="500">
                                Unable to load PDF preview! 

I got console error that I am not allowed to load local resource.

I know this is bocked due security reasons but I need to load PDF from local folder.

Is there any way to load this?

I just did it wrong, the PDF JS works fine when You submit PDF using Ajax call. We can;t read directly from local drive.

Maybe this will help someone but the Planet Press Connect workflow preferences need to have proper HTTP Input 2 resources set inside of it.

Otherwise any Ajax calls, especially to GET pdf from any local folder will not work.