Paginate troubles


I am trying to have a variable footer size for my first page based on certain conditions. This does work but since I must set the bottom margin in a post pagination script it does this for the entire document and I am unable to do this for only the first page.

I tried to be smart and create a tfoot section for my order table. I created a post pagination script to handle everything:

let curpage = 0, count = 0;
let tmpVal;
let result;
let prodcode = record.tables.ORDER[0].tables.ORDPROD[0].fields.prodcode;

/* For some reason it is not possible to rely on the value returned for the margins so I give it an initial size here */
//merge.section.margins.bottom = "2.6in";

// Get the total number of pages
count = merge.context.query("body").info().pageCount;

// Target the table footer for each individual page
merge.context.query("tfoot").each(function() {

	// It seems a paginate activates my disabled segments again so I will just start with a placeholder instead of filling it already with my whole bottom table
	if ( == 1) {
		result = loadhtml("snippets/DGDSeeRiderPage.html");
		result = loadhtml("snippets/DGDSubFooter.html");
		//query(".SeeRiderPage", this).replaceWith(result);
	} else {
	// A See Rider Page text should only appear on the first page when there are more than 1 pages
	if (( > 1) && (count > 1)) {
		query(".SeeRiderPage", this).hide();
	// Do some extra validation for page one. The rest of the pages should not even have the footer at all
	if ( == 1) {
		/* Check if we need to adjust the margin to fit the product info block */
		if ((prodcode != "EMPTY/DIRTY" && !record.fields.sameORDPROD) || (prodcode == "EMPTY/DIRTY" && !record.fields.samePREVPROD)) {
	} else {
		logger.warn("Current page: " +;

// And do a paginate after the layout is correct

/* There seems to be a bug in the system where it shows the placeholders in the first row after a paginate so I have to find and replace them all with an empty string */

Without the paginate everything just overflows to the next page but at least it will skip my details footer block as it is supposed to do.

When I enable paginate it overflows nicely but my footer block is displayed on the second page (third is disabled since I only show the footer on a page break):

Why does this happen with a paginate even though I specifically told it that I do not want this block on any page but the first one?

I have also tried to add the blocks to my print context and the show/hide div sections or a tr based on the page. But then paginate just leaves the places where there was a block (which now is hidden) blank and does not reorganize the rest of the page. So I get a lot of empty blocks.

Is it possible to make this work like I want to?

Note that I already tried several different options:

  • dynamically changing the margins (doesn’t work since this is applied over all pages)
  • creating a second print context with the correct layout (doesn’t work since the orders table stays within a single print context and cannot span multiple print context)
  • doing a paginate for each page (doesn’t work since this seems to stop the rest of the pages from being processed and then I’m missing a lot of order lines)
  • and now this attempt

Any help would be appreciated.

To help you properly we would need to see the Template and reproduce the issue. I suggest you open a technical support call at 1-866-348-5863 or through our website.


It seems, after discussing this with one of the support guys, probably the only way to solve my issue is to work with multiple Print Contexts and based on the conditions in a Control script I show one or the other with the proper footer information.

I thought that detail tables cannot cross print contexts, which is totally true, but I forgot that I can of course create multiple print contexts with different Master Pages.

While I am thinking of this (forgot to ask the support guy) I wonder if it is possible to solve it by programmatically change the master page. Is this possible to do in a post pagination script?