I have many jobs that are simple and want to create a single process with a hot folder that will dynamically pick up the data mapping config for a job and then grab the template for that data mapping and generate its PDF’s. Can I use a single process and a single hot folder to do this?
I would assume that I would need a output preset that will be used for all jobs and set it to directory and naming the PDF’s using the template name. I would also like to add the data name to the output PDF name. I just need some guidance regarding the use of *Dynamic Description in the All In One plugins Data Mapper, Content Creation and Output Creation tabs. that is suffice to say if this request is possible.
This would dramatically reduce the amount of processes running in Workflow.
This should be possible, even with the All In One process. You simple need to create local variables for the data mapping config, template and output preset files and use the Set Job Infos and Variables to tell your process which data mapping configuration, template or output preset files to use for the incoming input data file.
Notice that under the general tab of the Execute Data Mapping properties for instance, you can replace %o with a Job Ino, local or global variable. You simply need to double click in the area containing %o and edit it.
I guessed as much, thanks for the other info. Very helpful. Quick question. If I dump a template, data mapping and output preset into a folder capture, how do I get the correct names into the correct local variables?
Dynamically selecting data mapping config, template and preset files mean that their names must come from another source such as the input data file or external CSV or Excel file which can be lookup to get the resources to use for the incoming data. In addition these resources must already be available in the Connect Resources folder of the Connect Workflow Configuration.
I have seen some clients add a white text in the top or bottom margin of the incoming data file. This text is sometimes referred to as Technical Line. The line will contain the names of the resources to use for this particular file.
I see. I was hoping that this would work but Workflow, in debug, sees the data mapping config as a CSV file. Something I did not expect.
var re = /(?:.([^.]+))?$/;
var dataName = Watch.ExpandString(“%o”);
var ext = re.exec(dataName)[1];
if (ext == “OL-datamapper”){
Watch.SetVariable(“%{dataMapperName}”, dataName);
I was hoping for a solution that would not need me to fiddle with the data. I will explore what you said, if I need a hand I will ask again