'On value change' condition in control script


How to create a condition based on data field value change in a control script?

In other words how to create a global variable that doesn’t get reset on every record.


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Unfortunately, at the current moment, there is no way to keep a value from record to record, hence the inability to do a 'On value change" across record.

The only way your “On value change” would work is if you were doing it on values across a detail table.

I see. I have 2 print sections and I would like to select Section 1 for the first page of each record and Section 2 for the other pages. How can I do that?

When you say other pages, do you mean overflow that happens from 1 section?

Yes the I mean the overflow pages should use another section.

Actually, the overflow pages will not use another section but use another Master Page. The software is already designed to do this.

Right-click on your first Section->Sheet Configuration

Uncheck the “Same for all position” check box.

Now you see that you can setup different Master Pages to be used for different scenario…single, first middle and last pages.

Hope that helps.

Ok I thought it can be done from the sections. Thank you very much for your help.