OL Connect server credentials in workflow

In Workflow 8.2 I go into the Preferences >> Behavior >> OL Connect and set my default Connect Server Settings. I’m thinking this would then become the default settings for any of the Connect workflow tasks I add (OL Connect Proxy settings), but it doesn’t. I have to manually add the Connect server settings to every task I add. Is there a way to have any new Connect tasks use the defaults put in under preferences?


You just have to send your config after setting your General preferences. Then the new credentials will be taken into account by all tasks.

Thanks Phil. That worked! And makes sense when I think about it. Maybe having some kind of info about that in the help file (or on the Connect Proxy tab) would be helpful.

Already on it, Nate! :slight_smile:

If you don`t need this security feature you can also disable it generally. Just open the program “Connect Server Configuration” and uncheck “Enable server security” within the pane “Server Security”.