Number of copies

I need to print a job to a printer with a EFI Fiery Controller. The job is typically between 50-75 pages, but need to print out and finish over 200 copies for distribution. If I set the quantity to 100 for example, the size of the file grows quite large compared to if a quantity of 1 is used. I would like to set the num copies to the desired quantity such as 100 without drastically increasing the size of the file.



I’ve attached the PPD that I imported and the printer def that was generated using OL Connect 2021.1.2.2832. Wondering if there is a way to edit printer definition to allow this?

When I did a print to file outside of OL Connect, these lines are always present with the quantity selected.


If the quantity of copies are more than 1 these additional lines are present, but are not present if the quantity is set to 1. (88.8 KB)

I do not know a native way to set number of copies in Connect without increasing the size as you described. For a similar job I have created a super simple workflow process with a script to add the postscript feature in the job file.

Read the postscript file line by line and if you find “%BeginSetup” you can add the required feature commands.


Do While Not read_file.AtEndOfStream
      lineCont = read_file.ReadLine
      write_file.WriteLine lineCont
      if( InStr(lineCont,"%%BeginSetup") > 0 ) then
        write_file.WriteLine "%%BeginFeature:"
        write_file.WriteLine "<</NumCopies " & numCopies & ">>setpagedevice"
        write_file.WriteLine "%%EndFeature"
      end if

Or you read the whole file content and just replace %%BeginSetup with %%BeginSetup and your required feature commands for number of copies (do not forget the linebreaks).

Of course it is only a workaround but the resulting file size will hardly increase (e.g. 1000 records with number of copies 10: 761kb to 779kb).