For example the main print abc, def, ghi.
Inside abc print there are abcnonbk, abcactbk, abcpriorbk, abcprose(added conditions)
Def=defnonbk, defactbk, defpriorbk,defprose
Ghi= ghinonbk, ghiactbk, ghipriorbk,ghiprose
This is what I have created but is give me error.
var lettertype = record.fields.LetterNumber;
if (lettertype == ‘abcnonbk, abcactbk, abcpriorbk, abcprose’){
merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections['def, ghi'].enabled = __false__;
else if(lettertype == ’ defnonbk, defactbk, defpriorbk,defprose '){
merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections['abc,ghi'].enabled = __false__;
else if(lettertype == ’ ghinonbk, ghiactbk, ghipriorbk,ghiprose '){
merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections['abc,def'].enabled = __false__;