Multiple Folder Capture Functions

I am a newbie to Planet Press and am trying to understand the function of multiple “Folder Capture” in Workflow. The purpose is to use only one folder as File Watcher in the workflow process.
I have created a workflow where there are 3 different branches performing 3 different tasks.

As you see, “Folder Capture 1” watch for multiple files with different formats.
I have used “Text Condition” plug-ins to invoke the branches if required when specific files arrive in “Folder Capture 1”.
As I mentioned, each branch performs some operations, and for that, I have used “Folder Capture 2, 3, and 4,” from which it is reading the respective file in that folder and then doing further steps like running scripts, data mapping, etc. So, my question here is, for “Folder Capture 2, 3, and 4,” are these plug-ins acting only as an “Action” here? or Is it still running as a File Watcher in the background, and did I mistakenly use 4 File Watchers here? I used “Text Condition” plug-ins (there are text conditions on the file names) just to trigger those branches whenever required . Is the flow, as intended, efficient, or is there another way to make it better?

It’s fine like that.

The Test2, Test3 and Test4 folders are not being constantly monitored, they are only triggered when the respective parent condition is true. They are not quite Action tasks since they are able to capture multiple files and run the rest of the branch for each of them, but they are not Primary input tasks either since they do not run on a schedule. We actually call them Secondary input tasks.

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Thank you @Phil for clearing my doubts.