I have 3 email contexts and I select it in Control script based on the data below
var emailTemplate = record.fields.WEmailTemplate;
let sections = .slice.call(merge.template.contexts.HTML_EMAIL.sections);
// turn on sections that match the list
sections.forEach(function(section) {
if (emailTemplate == section.name) {
merge.template.contexts.HTML_EMAIL.sections[section.name].enabled = true;
} else {
merge.template.contexts.HTML_EMAIL.sections[section.name].enabled = false;
In Designer, I was able to send test email only from the first template (set as Default) but the rest are not successful. Do I missed something on this control script?
script is ok, functional in design, workflow does not support it, sorry to say so but this is a known issue within OL (reported october 28 2019), possible fix in release 2020.1.