Multiple Data inputs

Hi All .

I have recently finished a Project , and Phase 2 requires additional data on the output . The main data is JSON data , and the new data is CSV data supplied via email . The CSV voucher data will arrive weekly and be added to whatever option is best below .

My thinking was to in Workflow use the email connector , and then send the voucher CSV data to a database . The datamapper in the main flow should then query the database , and retrieve vouchers based on the amount of boxes in the JSON data .

After spending a lot of time in the forums I’m really not sure what database to use. A lot of the posts are quite a few years old and I think OL now uses MariaDB . Do I use the data repository ? I did create a second repository but Just can’t understand the groups etc. ADODB / MariaDB / mysql ???

To me the easiest would be to use SQL express but I would like to keep it simple and use what features OL supplies .

My one concern is multiple processes querying the database and duplicating vouchers . So a SQL lock feature may be required .

Many Thanks
Any help will be appreciated.

@Mark.Ambrose, were you able to find a solution for this matter?

Does anyone have any suggestions on this matter?

Hi Martin

I did eventually come right thanks . It took quite a while to work out , probably not the best or easiest solution.

  • Check email for conditions and VBscript to bulk import CSV file into a MS SQL database in workflow

  • Pre-Process script in datamapper to count the amount of invoices in the data and fetch the same amount of tokens

  • Create a JSON object and add the token vouchers and rewrite the JSON to the original file.

  • Workflow scripts to manage remaining/low Tokens and send notification emails


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