I’m processing an input file which holds records, each record has a barcode value which im using to create a barcode via output preset, however sometimes the record may not contain barcode value “empty”
This will make the output preset fail, hence the whole process.
Is there a workaround to make the process ignore the missing barcodes?
You could pass a default value to the barcode field in the data mapper in case it is empty or you could set a condition in the Output preset so that the barcode is only output if the barcode field is not empty.
To create a condition with the barcode field, you need to add the barcode field to the Document metadata level in the Job Preset. Then you could use an expression such as _${document.metadata.barcodeField} !=""_ (where barcodeField is the actual name of your barcode metadata field), in the Output Preset.
Thank you for your reply. Well If I go with the first solution then there will be a barcode generated and printed on the output and I don’t want that.
As for the the second solution I’m applying a condition for the barcode to be applied every 4 pages “page.nr % 4 == 1” and applying a sequence through the job preset based on the value of the barcode.