Minor Workflow questions

When sending to Workflow, Designer want to send output preset that is, as far as i know, not related to the current job. Where does it get this information?

Some document templates in Workflow has a preview but far from all. Is there an option I need to tick somewhere to get this when sending to Workflow?

The Connect Design tool remembers job and output presets that where used in the current session, and propose them to you upon sending your Connect resources to Workflow. If you close your Connect Designer, re-open it and open a Template for which you have none, none will be propose upon sending your Connect resources to Workflow.

As to your second question, I found out that if your Workflow Service is running while sending your Template, no preview will show in the Workflow Configuration components pane. However, if your workflow service is turned off, the preview will show. I have already reported this as an issue to our R&D.

Thank you for your answers.