I have a design template and data file that contains Primary Account Holders (PAH) and Secondary Account Holders (SAH). It spits the detail fields by a unique ID no. Easy enough.
Part 1) No comes the tricky part. Is it possible to list account holders from the detail fields separated by comma’s, so that rather than displaying a detail table like the image below
it displays the detail fields like this:
Secondary Members:
Kevin Dallimore, Kris Dallimore
Part 2) Is it possible to omit a detail record if the record is the PAH. For instance, in the example above, Kevin is the PAH and Kris is the SAH. I only want to display the Kris detail record under the heading Secondary Members:
There is a field in the data that shows PAH or SAH
It’s certainly possible to display data from detail tables in a separate way, but you’ll have to do it manually and with some javascript. I don’t know how your data is actually built, so I can’t give you exact code but… let’s assume you have a detail table called ‘holders’ and inside of it you have 2 fields: ‘name’ and ‘type’.
The record is actually just a javascript object, so the object ‘record.holders’ can be represented via an object:
In javascript there are a couple ways to display this kind of data, all of which requires looping. Here’s an example that would work in this context:
var output = "";
for (var i=0; i<=record.holders.length; i++) {
output += record.holders[i].name + ", ";
You could, of course, also add a condition somewhere in there that would ignore some values, like “if(record.holders[i].type === “primary”)” for example.
This will of course require some code, as it’s not a built-in feature at the moment.