Left and Right margins based on page

Is it possible to have different left and right margins depending on the page? It’s possible to do top and bottom using a master page, but not left and right.

The shell we have has content on the left margin frontside and right margin backside.

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You might consider putting your text inside of an Inline Box and setting your margins in that box. Then place everything you want to have that margin inside of that box.

You could make use of multiple sections that each have their own margins set.

I can think of a few more ways to get to where you’re going, but it more depends on what your final desire outcome is and what sort of inputs you’re working with. There isn’t necessarily one “right” way to do it.

I can see that this would work, but it does kinda break the page flow ability as you then have everything in boxes. if you add a paragraph you then need to move it into the next page box. Maybe a future feature option?