JSON Parse error always undefined


I have issue with a JSON. I got undefined in my template. For all my values.

Here is the JSON from the Workflow:

{“datamining”:{“record”:[{“_vger_record_id”:“2623604”,“CustomerName”:“TEST”,“EquipmentAddress1”:“411 AVENUE GERMAIN”,“EquipmentAddress2”:“RIMOUSKI”,“EquipmentAddress3”:“QC Canada”,“Contact”:“Contact Name”,“ContactPhone”:“55432426”,“EnteredOn”:“4/17/2020 11:26:00 AM”,“CustomerNo”:“1423423”,“TaskType”:“TR”,“ItemDescription”:“”,“SrNumber”:“2703952”,“ProblemSummary”:“DECAL Generated Call, Customer Product ID B60003G48. Priority: P3 Due Date: 2020-04-21 11:26:10 444708 Cash Dispenser Informed P3 P3- RETRAIT - PLUSIEURS ERREURS HW - VERIFICATION REQUISE Cash Dispenser - P”,“ExtraData”:“”},{“_vger_record_id”:“2623605”,“ExtraData”:“”}]}}

And the code from my designer: The JSON is passed from automation variable.

global_JSON = JSON.parse(record.fields.data_email);

var field, result = “”;

field = global_JSON.datamining.record.CustomerName;
if (field !== “”) result += field;


What is wrong? Some ideas?

Thank you

Have you tried with global_JSON.datamining.record[0].CustomerName ?

Yeah! It works Thank you