jQuery in JavaScripts or remote JavaScripts

Dear Community,

I would like to know if it is possible to implement jQuery in a JavaScripts or remote JavaScripts. I have tried query() (which works in Scripts, but not in JavaScripts), including jquery ui and jquery cores (which only gives errors), using $()/jQuery()… but all without result. I am using a Print section.

If this is not possible, some alternatives might be great.

Thank you in advance,


Hello Jeltje,

Please refer to the comments and samples in the following thread:

Note! The Designer scripting API provides a wide range of commands to work with the DOM (append, prepend, before, after, html, text, loadhtml, loadjson, addClass etc). These are similar to the commands in jQuery. Scripts created via the Scripts panel have direct access to the data model and are optimized for the pagination process.


Hi Erik,

Thank you for the quick response. I will try to work with the example to create my own functions.

Thank you!


Dear Erik,

I tried the examples you gave me but even the basics do not work. I added a new JavaScript and tried everything you listed, with no result.

Thank you in advance,


Please PM me your template and I’ll give it a look.
