Inconsistent Table Border thickness in version 2021.2.1

Dear All,

I do have a template design, which having complicated table design in Master Page, and this table was fully developed using html codes. Attached [NightBatch_B251040.OL-template] is the related template.

The PDF outputs generated by PlanetPress Connect in version 2018, is having consistent Table Border thickness, as per attached [Old B251040.pdf].

We had upgrade this template into version 2021.2.1. BUT, the PDF outputs generated by PlanetPress Connect in version 2021.2.1, is having inconsistent Table Border thickness, as per attached [New B251040.pdf].

Kindly assist on the resolution and root cause urgently. Thank you so much in advance.

NightBatch_B251040.OL-template (13.2 KB)

Old B251040.pdf (2.9 MB)

New B251040.pdf (2.6 MB)

If this issue is urgent, you should contact our Support team. This Forum is community-based, there is no guarantee that you’ll get a response within a certain time frame.

This was raised internally, and I have looked into it. I’ll share my findings here as well, for the benefit of others.

When you look at these PDFs from a browser built-in viewer, you’ll probably not see any difference. In Adobe Reader, the difference is only visible when you enable Enhance thin lines in the Reader’s preferences.

When I look at the PDF drawing commands, the table lines are equally wide in both files. There’s only one significant difference: in Connect 2021.2, we use CMYK for black, and in Connect 2018.1 we use RGB for black.
It seems that Acrobat finds it appropriate to handle lines in CMYK black different from RGB black. But only when you enable Enhance thin lines. There will be no difference when printing.

The reason that Connect now uses CMYK black is due to an improvement we made a while ago, where the default black used in a template will get output as CMYK black by default, when producing print or PDF output. This was introduced to avoid issues where certain printers would consider RGB black to be a color print, which is bad when that printer uses click charging.
You can control this feature by right-clicking the Print Context in a template, and choosing Color Output… in the context menu, and enabling/disabling the Keep RGB black in output setting.

If these PDFs are meant for print, then I would recommend to leave things as-is. If these PDFs are for digital viewing, then you may want to enable the Keep RGB black in output setting. But note: when that PDF gets printed on a color printer, it may result in that printer counting the pages as color pages. Whether this happens, is printer dependent.

Hi Manuel,

Thank you so much for your explanation. It workable in my workstation. Now pending customer to test on their server.

Many thanks.