Incomplete documents produced as output

The issue is :

We are using Planet Press Suite 7 for creating several business documents, one of those happens to be a ‘gatepass’, which contains consignment information like weight of materials etc.
We are using the pen capture functionality for signing the gatepass in one of the process. The issue is that we are getting an incomplete document (missing information) in some documents. Its very intermittent and with no specific pattern/type of data. It looks like some of the plugins are failing in between intermittently.
The following approaches have been taken as of now without success:

Approaches taken :

We have tried multiple approaches including changing the polling interval and setting the process to be self-replicated; but the issue still remains. One of the approach we have been suggested is to alter the Max percentage of threading (%) if it can solve the issues. However , this will require subtle change in the value so that other flows remain unaffected.

Can you please suggest settings based on the settings for the processes currently in the box? Or any other solution that you could point me please?

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