I’m trying output my A4 document to 2up A3. What I want is to print down the stack for printing/cutting/enclosing purposes. What I’m looking for in a 10 page document for example is:
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
on A3. How is this possible. i’m struggling to find a way on how to do this is output creation settings.
I did notice that when i set the stack depth then it would print going down the stack. for example if I have 6000 data records will the stack depth need to be 6000? so i will need to change it for each individual job?
I would suggest to make it with a value equal or bigger than the maximum number of output pages this OutputPreset can be used. The number of record is not what it should be based of. Unless you know that each record will only produce 1 output sheet.
A bigger value will get you the expected result as a smaller value will reset the count. Of course, make sure you do not go higher than the physical stack depth of the cutting mechanism of your printer.