- How do I hold the job at the printer? In Planet Press 7 we use the following code which holds the job.
- Code from Planet Press 7: ~%%OperatorMessage:(Hold)
- How do I choose to output to the printer stacker? Right now every job in planet press connect is only going to the top tray.
- In Planet Press 7 I used Finishing Device = Stacker
- Banner Page before job. In Planet Press 7 it was a simple code:
- ~%KDKError: 1page(cover)
- In Planet Press 7 the Document Name became the file name the printer sees, now for instance on one job it showed up as hch.1385d.64393.pbr How do we get the printer to see either the file name or the document name.
I can answer question 4, you need to set the job name to ${template}, this should output the Context name, however this is currently not happening and is a bug soon to be fixed (fingers crossed), it will out the Document name at the moment. Here is the list of options, but again these are not working!..
[http://help.objectiflune.com/EN/planetpress-connect-user-guide/1.4/#designer/Output/Print/Variables_available_in_the_Output.htm?Highlight=job name](http://help.objectiflune.com/EN/planetpress-connect-user-guide/1.4/#designer/Output/Print/Variables_available_in_the_Output.htm?Highlight=job name)
However the other issues may be down to the PDC file that you are using, have you requested one from OL with your printer PPD?