I have 10,000 documents in a PDF workflow - I want to split the 10,000 documents into batches of 2000

Hi I have a large volume of documents coming in as individual documents. with some rules and processing I will retrieve these into larger batches. if the batch is over 2,000 document I want to create multiple outputs with 2000 documents in each set with the remained forming the last file. I have looked at job creation presets in both filtering, grouping and sorting but to no joy. I have looked at output presets also and these doesn’t seem to have anything in there either.

You could look into the PDF Splitter plugin in the workflow, found in the Data Splitters pane.

The PDFs can be split based on a number of pages if the number of pages per document is a constant.

They could also be split based on a word changing (invoice number, for example) 2,000 times.

Splitting based on meta-data is also an option.

Hi Stephen - thank you for your response. This would mean bringing the file out of the connect plugins and workflow’s handling of large PDF’s are not the best… this would also slow the process down and creating meta data that can actually be used would really slow the whole process down further. One of the keep weaver engine features was you can batch hard or soft on page numbers or document numbers etc