I do an insert of the image into my template but the quality and wording blur. How could I improve the image quality?
The PDF in Adobe not blur.
I do an insert of the image into my template but the quality and wording blur. How could I improve the image quality?
The PDF in Adobe not blur.
Would you be able to upload a copy of the PDF as well as explain how you’re inserting/using it? Is it a watermark on the page or an element in the foreground like a logo? What size page is it being inserted into?
Hi Katie,
I was told by a OL dev that PDF quality in designer shows at low resolution to save memory that the designer uses. That is why the PDF preview looks terrible in designer but once printed the quality is as good as you would see it in a PDF viewer. Here is the LINK.
The image look great on the connect but on the PDF look blurs.
I bring it in as insert in Connect.
<div anchor=“page_media_0”
style=“position: absolute; overflow: hidden; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; width: 407px; height: 642px; top: 100.967px; left: 841px;” offset-x=“889” offset-y=“137.4499969482422”>
<img src=“images/FAQ2.png” style=“width: 411px; height: 629px;”><br>